One-Stop Innovative Solution for Optimal Health
Our holistic approach to medical wellbeing utilizes a combination of progressive medical expertise, internationally trained specialists and a sensational collection of traditional and alternative ideologies.
Programs are meticulously created to enhance life to its fullest potential, fulfilling every physical, psychological and emotional need.

Integrative gynecology and Rejuvenation
Our gynaecology service aims to identify the root causes of hormonal imbalance and gynecological disease. We are dedicated to bringing you better health by improving sleep quality, gut health, and the immune system.
- Comprehensive gynecological assessment and treatment
- Non-invasive and tailored treatment by traditional Chinese medicine
- Nutritional coaching for women and fertility
- Identifying root causes of hormonal imbalance
- Prevention of recurrence after surgery and side effects
Longevity Health Balancing and Detox Medical Service
Our longevity program takes a sympathetic and preventative approach to managing you and your family’s health. Our goal is to tackle the root cause of any health issues, optimizing work performance and hectic lifestyles.
- Improvement of mental and physical health condition
- Anti-inflammatory effects
- Enhancing immune system
- Relieve fatigue and recover energy
- Prevent cardiovascular disease through better blood circulation

Cancer Precision Treatment and Care
AYLA’s precise cancer treatment enable patients to effectively utilize traditional medicines and determine optimal treatment strategies. We effectively save unnecessary costs and improve survival rates at all stages of any cancer disease.
- Comprehensive assessment and holistic treatment for cancer
- Tailored oncology medication, precision dosing and treatment
- Reduced side effects through traditional chinese medicine
- Targeted therapy by precision medicine and dietary management
- Spiritual healing and mental health care
- International health examination and stem cell therapy arrangement

Bioresonance Balancing Program
Our bioresonance service takes a functional approach to rebalance the energetics of the body. We use machines to identify abnormal wavelengths emitted from the body and equilibrate signals for treatment and detoxification.