


日本徒手小顏術是一種天然美顏手法,使用天然產品和滋補按摩技巧在面部進行塑型。與經典的面部反射療法互相配合,刺激面部組織 21 個針灸和神經血管按壓點,幫助其肌膚再生。通過調整面部肌肉及筋膜,可促進面部氣血循環、皮膚新陳代謝、肌膚膠原蛋白再生;同時亦能提升蘋果肌,提亮面色,消除黑眼圈、細紋及浮腫,從而凍齡及回復皮膚彈性。

Cosmo Facelift

Japanese Cosmo Lifting is a neuro-sensorial procedure that is performed on the face using natural products and tonifying massage techniques. In combination with the classic Face Reflex Therapy, it stimulates 21 acupuncture and neuro-vascular points through the facial tissue to help with its regeneration. By adjusting facial muscles and fascia, our program helps promote facial blood circulation, skin metabolism and collagen regeneration. Our clients accomplish youthful look by having chubby cheeks, tight glowing skin and elimination of dark circles, wrinkles and edema.

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