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Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine, rooted in a rich heritage spanning over thousands of years, represents a time-honored and comprehensive approach to healthcare. Ayla Executive Medical team consists of registered Chinese Medicine practitioners from all over the world. We combine big data, modern technology with the traditional wisdom to further enhance the curative accuracy and breadth of treatment. Additionally we select premium herbs from all over the world, and provide qualified granules or decoction. Ayla strives for the best to ensure all medications are free from heavy metal or sulfur fumigation.


中醫藥調理是一種歷史悠久、綜合性的醫療保健方法。Ayla Executive Medical擁有來自世界各地的註冊中醫師團隊,以數據化的現代科技配合傳統中醫藥智慧和技術,進一步增加治療準繩度和全面性。我們亦從全球精選高品質中藥,提供合規格的顆粒沖劑或代煎中藥,確保無重金屬或硫黃熏製,安全可靠。

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