Rejuvenation and Longevity Specialists

Ayla Executive Medical

Ayla Executive Medical specializes in Rejuvenation and Longevity medical services. We offer a full spectrum of integrated Chinese and Western medical treatments in Hong Kong, curing and monitoring patients with multiple chronic conditions or specific medical needs. Our personalized health management plans aim to heal complex diseases and serve as an ultimate comprehensive medical advice. Integrated treatments in Ayla improve both physical and mental health, and our clients regain their ideal quality of life in a sustainable manner.


Ayla’s medical team is comprised of internationally trained practitioners and professional specialists. Our mission is to provide natural and non-invasive specialist medical services and offer a comprehensive physical and medical health program for hectic citizens around the world. Through our top notch quality health management services, our guests can get rid of long-term fatigue and illness and enjoy a happier and better life.

Holistic Healing: Reconnecting Body and Mind
Women’s Wellness and Rejuvenation
Cancer Precision Treatment and Care
Chronic Disease Management
Longevity Health Balancing Services
Preventive Cardiology Programs

AYLA’s Signature Program

Our personalized health programs promise a premium quality of life for busy urbanites.


Gynecology Services and Rejuvenation

AYLA’s women care treatments are designed for busy urban women. We perfectly combine modern medical examinations and exclusive comprehensive rejuvenation and detox programs, allowing women of any age to shine with elegance. Apart from treating diseases, our program also improves body functions, boosts ovary health, delays aging, and keeps you youthful and energetic.


Longevity Health Balancing Program

AYLA’s longevity program targets urban people who have unbalanced lifestyle or stressful work environments. We perfectly combine the strengths of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and customize treatments based on our clients’ daily routines. Our detox treatments will revitalize your body thoroughly and optimize your lifestyle better than ever before.


Cancer Precision Treatment

Excessive chemotherapy or overdose of targeted medications may weaken your immune system and hinder cancer recovery. AYLA’s precise cancer treatment plans enable patients to effectively utilize traditional medicines and determine optimal treatment strategies. Precise cancer treatment can save unnecessary costs and improve survival rates at all stages of any cancer disease.

Find us

803B McDonald’s Building,
46 Yee Wo St, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Open Year-Round 10:30 – 20:00
(Closed on Tuesday)

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Customize your personal health management program with us!

The Trend of Future Medicine: Early Prevention and Precision Treatment

AYLA is your ultimate rejuvenation and health management center, providing you with a unique longevity medical experience. We have a first-class multi-disciplinary medical team to comprehensively analyze your health status and detect potential disease factors early, such as chronic inflammation, cancer, gynecological diseases, hormonal imbalances, emotional diseases, etc. Our specialists are experienced in finding out the root causes of various health problems and complex diseases, we formulate personalized medical plans to correct the imbalances within your body and help you optimize your mind and body so that your health can be maintained in the most efficient and relaxed state.


AYLA Rejuvenation and Health Management Center

The mission of Ayla Executive Medical is to take care of the physical, mental and spiritual health of every urbanite. We hope that the stressful and hard-working Hong Kong people can enjoy a happier and better life through high-quality health services. Our service features are as follows:

Experts in Holistic Therapy and Integrative Functional Medicine

At AYLA, we value functional medicine and stress the importance of physical, mental and spiritual health. Our specialists work together to offer patients with optimal and effective health management services. Our team includes various specialists, practitioners, nutritionists, acupuncturists, and therapists of all types. We believe that true healing comes from addressing the root causes of health issues. Our team stays up to date with the latest research and innovations in integrative health to ensure that we are providing our patients with the most advanced and effective care possible.

Functional Medicine at AYLA Tackles Stress Effectively

Stress is a common factor in many health conditions, and at AYLA we take a holistic approach to addressing stress-related issues. Our functional medicine approach is designed to identify and address the root causes of stress, whether they are physical, emotional, or environmental. We are professional at stress management techniques, balanced nutritional supplements and Chinese medicine treatments. By addressing stress at the root level, we can help patients achieve greater overall wellbeing and reduce their risk of developing stress, psychological and chronic health conditions. At Ayla we encourage every guests to spend more me-time and find inner peace. We believe that only when the body, mind and soul can reach a balanced point people can then truly enjoy life and successfully cope with various challenges.

Integrative Medicine is the Optimal Way of Preventive Healthcare

At Ayla Executive Medical, we firmly believe in the power of preventive medicine and are committed to improving and protecting your overall health. Our holistic approach can help you find the root causes of sub-health issues lurking within your body, and our treatments go beyond relieving temporary discomfort. By deeply understanding your body’s symptoms and signals, our medical specialists will customize a personalized health management plan, with the goal of completely relieving physical and mental discomfort and curing chronic diseases that may be bothering you. Our program uniqueness is that it comprehensively observes and takes care of all aspects of each person’s life, including physical condition, emotions, and lifestyle. Our professional team includes preventive medicine experts and they will use series of Chinese and Western medical techniques to help you achieve the most ideal and healthy lifestyle.

You Can Change Your Life by Loving Yourself

In hectic and crowded cities, mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and stress are becoming more and more common, which is another crucial health issue that we emphasize at Ayla Executive Medical. We recognize that these issues not only affect our physical health, but also our daily lives. Our professional team will help you tackle the source of stress and gradually eliminate it so that your mind can truly rest. At AYLA, we believe true healing comes from addressing the root of a problem, not just treating symptoms with temporary painkillers. Through our comprehensive diagnosis, we can customize an optimal treatment plan for our guests. We use advanced detection technology, big data analysis, nutritional balance and lifestyle adjustments to work with you to restore your health and achieve the most ideal physical and mental balance.

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